Featured Listing – 2529 Rasselas Rd., Wilcox, PA 19 Bedrooms | 8 Bathrooms | $9,800,000 | MLS# 12850 INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY: OIL & GAS OPERATION, LAND & ALL MINERAL RIGHTS (Shallow/Marcellus/Utica). Cleared land, utilities, & amenities suitable for development in energy, military/super-computers, or distribution location. Highlights include: 90+ shallow oil wells & gas lines, 330 acres…

Increasing Your Home’s Value

Your home is probably your single largest investment. While the value of your home is largely determined by such things as location, size, condition, and amenities, there are still steps you can take to maximize its value. First, you need to evaluate your plans carefully if you’re improving your home. Cutting corners could hurt rather…

Money Savings Tips

We hope you find these tips helpful for you and your family! For most Americans, saving money is a necessity of everyday life. We clip coupons, watch for sales, and hope there’s not too much month left at the end of our paycheck. Today, the challenge is how to reduce spending on a longer-term basis. Here are…